Dr. Paul Jungeblut
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Theoretical Informatics
Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
paul [dot] jungeblut [at] kit [dot] edu | |
office | Raum 320, Computer Science building 50.34 |
phone | – |
office hours | by appointment |
- 26.04.2024: Defense of my PhD thesis. (Slides)
- 13.-15.03.2024: EuroCG 2024 in Ioannina, Greece.
- Presentation of Recognition Complexity of Subgraphs of 2- and 3-Connected Planar Cubic Graphs by Miriam Goetze (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthors: Miriam Goetze, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 10.-16.12.2023: NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans, USA.
- Poster about Training Fully Connected Neural Networks is ER-Complete. (arXiv)(Poster)
Coauthors: Daniel Bertschinger, Christoph Hertrich, Till Miltzow, Simon Weber
- 06.-09.11.2023: Attending FOCS 2023 in Santa Cruz, USA.
- Presentation of Directed Acyclic Outerplanar Graphs Have Constant Stack Number. (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthors: Laura Merker, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 20.-22.09.2023: Attending Graph Drawing 2023 in Isola delle Femmine (Palermo), Italy.
- 28.08.-01.09.2023: Participant at the Convex and Discrete Geometry Summer School in Budapest, Hungary.
- 28.-30.06.2023: Attending WG 2023 in Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Presentation of Cops and Robber – When Capturing is not Surrounding. (arXiv)(Slides)
Won Best Paper Award
Coauthors: Samuel Schneider, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 14.-19.05.2023: Attending the Workshop on New Directions in Geometric Algorithms in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- 29.-31.03.2023: Attending EucoCG 2023 in Barcelona.
- Presentation of Recognizing Unit Disk Graphs in Hyperbolic Geometry is ER-Complete. (arXiv)(Slides)
2. place in vote for Best Student Presentation Award
Coauthors: Nicholas Bieker, Thomas Bläsius, Emil Dohse - Presentation of Primal-Dual Cops and Robber. (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthors: Minh Tuan Ha, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 27.11.2022: Coach of three successful teams at the NWERC 2022 (Post)
- Rank 7: Tzatzikitartare, silver medal
- Rank 18: Kindergarten Timelimit
- Rank 46: Exploding KITtens
- 06.11.2022: Co-Coach of a successful team at the ICPC World Finals 2022 (Post)
- Rank 50: Let's Party: Home Alone
- 05.10.2022: Presentation about the air-pressure method for area-universality at the Mittagsseminar. (Slides)
- 13.-18.09.2022: Attending Order & Geometry Workshop in Ciążeń, Poland.
- 05.-07.09.2022: Attending ESA 2022 in Potsdam, Germany.
- Presentation of Efficient Recognition of Subgraphs of Planar Cubic Bridgeless Graphs by Miriam Goetze. (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthors: Miriam Goetze, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 07.-10.06.2022: Attending SoCG 2022 in Berlin, Germany.
- Presentation of The Complexity of the Hausdorff Distance. (arXiv)(Slides)(Video)
Won Best Student Presentation Award.
Coauthors: Linda Kleist, Tillmann Miltzow
- 19.05.2022: Presentation of Training Fully Connected Two-Layer Neural Networks is ER-Complete at the seminar of the University of Perugia. (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthors: Daniel Bertschinger, Christoph Hertrich, Till Miltzow, Simon Weber - 14.-16.03.2022: Attending EuroCG 2022 in Perugia, Italien.
- Presentation of The Complexity of the Hausdorff Distance. (arXiv)(Slides)(Video)
Won Best Student Presentation Award.
Coauthors: Linda Kleist, Tillmann Miltzow
- 09.-12.01.2022: Attending SODA 2022 (online).
- Presentation of A Sublinear Bound on the Page Number of Upward Planar Graphs by Laura Merker. (arXiv)
Coauthors: Laura Merker, Torsten Ueckerdt
- 21.-26.11.2021: Attending workshop Graph Product Structure Theory (online).
- 21.11.2021: Coach of three successful teams at the NWERC 2021 (Post).
- Rank 6: Tzatzikitartare, silver medal
- Rank 45: RisK IT!
- Rank 93: TeamTries
- 21.10.2021: Presentation of A Sublinear Bound on the Page Number of Upward Planar Graphs at the AG Diskrete Mathematik. (arXiv)
Coauthors: Laura Merker, Torsten Ueckerdt - 14.-17.09.2021: Attending GD 2021 in Tübingen, Germany.
- 30.08.-03.09.2021: Attending workshop Geometric Graphs and Hypergraphs (online).
- 08.06.2021: Presentation about the planar slope number at the seminar of Utrecht University. (Slides)
- 22.04.2021: I prepared a JavaScript game for Girl's Day allowing the participants to take their first steps in coding.(Demo)(Code to play with)
- 07.-09.04.2021: Attending EuroCG 2021 (online)
- 28.03.2021: Coach of three successful teams at NWERC 2020 (Post).
- Rank 4: Let's Party: Home Alone, gold medal
- Rank 29: KitKatCode
- Rank 48: RisK IT!
- 24.-26.06.2020: Attending WG 2020 (online).
- Presentation of Guarding Stacked Triangulations and Quadrangulations with Edges. (arXiv)(Slides)
Coauthor: Torsten Ueckerdt
- 16.-18.03.2020: Attending EuroCG 2020 (online).
- 06.02.2020: Organized a programming workshop for talented high school students at the Jugendforum Informatik in Bad Liebenzell.
- 30.01.2020: Presentation of my Master's thesis Edge Guarding Plane Graphs at the AG Diskrete Mathematik.
- Complete list of all my Publications and Workshop Entries.
- My dblp entry.
- My Google Scholar profile.
- My ORCID profile.
Teaching (in German)
- Praktikum: Graphenvisualisierung in der Praxis (Summer 2023)
- Praxis der Softwareentwicklung (Summer 2020, Summer 2021)
- Advisor for a student in the Proseminar “Algorithmen für NP-schwere Probleme” (Summer 2021, Summer 2022)
- Advisor for a student in the Semiar “Algorithmentechnik” (Winter 2021/22, Winter 2023/24)
Supervised Thesis
- Jonathan Hunz: Complexity of the Sum of Square Roots Problem, Bachelor's Thesis, November 2023 - March 2024, co-supervised with Miriam Goetze
- Illia Minkin: Defining the Discrete Real Polynomial Hierarchy with Oracle Machines, Bachelor's Thesis, November 2023 - March 2024
- Tim Junginger: Robustness of the Discrete Real Polynomial Hierarchy, Bachelor's Thesis, May 2023 - September 2023
- Mirco Volk: Komplexitätsanalyse des Lawn Mowing Problems und verwandter Probleme, Bachelor's Thesis, November 2022 - March 2023
- Nicholas Bieker: Complexity of SimpleStretchability and Related ER-Complete Problems in Hyperbolic Geometry, Master's Thesis, April 2022 - October 2022, co-supervised with Thomas Bläsius
- Minh Tuan Ha: Primal-Dual Cops and Robbers, Bachelor's Thesis, May 2022 - September 2022, co-supervised with Torsten Ueckerdt
- Luca Buchholz: Minimizing Edge Length Ratio in Planar Graphs on the Grid, Bachelor's Thesis, May 2022 - September 2022
- Liran Dattner: Minimum-Width Triangulations of Upward Planar Graphs, Bachelor's Thesis, October 2021 - February 2022, co-supervised with Laura Merker
- Jonathan Dransfeld: Partitioning Geometric Graphs into Plane Subgraphs, Bachelor's Thesis, October 2021 - February 2022, co-supervised with Laura Merker
- Nadine Krisam: Maximal k-Degenerate Spanning Subgraphs, Master's Thesis, May 2021 - November 2021, co-supervised with Laura Merker
- Valentin Quapil: Upward and Upward-Planar Drawings with Limited Slopes, Bachelor's Thesis, May 2021 - September 2021
- Julian Dinh: Coordinated Motion Planning for Multiple Square-Shaped Robots in a Grid, Bachelor's Thesis, December 2020 - April 2021
- Laura Merker: Ordered Covering Numbers, Master's Thesis, May 2020 - November 2020, co-supervised with Torsten Ueckerdt
- Nicholas Bieker: Complexity of Graph Drawing Problems in Relation to the Existential Theory of the Reals, Bachelor's Thesis, April 2020 - August 2020