Institute of Theoretical Informatics, Algorithmics

Torsten Ueckerdt

September 2022

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Theoretical Informatics
Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe Germany

phone +49 721 608-47334
email torsten [dot] ueckerdt [at] kit [dot] edu
office room 319, Computer Science building 50.34
office hours by appointment

I am a theoretical computer scientist and discrete mathematician. My research is mostly concerned with combinatorial objects like graphs, posets, and hypergraphs in geometric settings. I investigate structural properties, coloring problems, and geometric representations –especially for planar graphs. I served as a PC member for the conferences, such as Graph Drawing, SoCG, and EuroCG.

About me

I am interested in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. In particular I have been working in graph theory, game theory, combinatorics, and computational geometry. I consider mostly combinatorial problems within a geometric setting, such as planar graphs, intersections models of graph, or point sets in the plane.

I was born in Berlin, where I also did my studies. I did my Ph.D. with my advisor Stefan Felsner at the Department of Mathematics at the Technische Universität Berlin. Afterwards I joined the group of Jan Kratochvil at the Department of Applied Mathematics at Charles University in Prague. From September 2012 to September 2017 I was working in the Discrete Mathematics group at the mathematical department of KIT, where I did my habilitation in 2017. Since October 2017 I am a member of the work group Algorithmics I at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics.

Research Graph Theory and Geometry (more details below)
Publications List of all publications
Curriculum Vitae CV
Teaching List of all teaching done at KIT
Supervision List of all supervised theses

Research Interests

Structural Graph Theory
  • Graph Covering and Decomposition (arboricities, covering numbers, …)
  • Combinatorial Structures (Schnyder woods, transversal structures, …)
  • Extremal Problems (coupled parameters, worst-case in classes, …)
  • Sparsity (bounded expansion, bounded maximum average degree, …)
  • Vertex and Edge Colorings (chromatic number, improper colorings, …)
  • Ramsey Theory (Ramsey classes, Ramsey equivalence, …)
  • Ordered Graphs (book emeddings, queue numbers, …)
Geometric Graph Theory
  • Intersection Representations (VPG graphs, interval graphs, …)
  • Contact Representations (rectangular dissections, higher dimensions, …)
  • Restricted Planar Embeddings (cartograms, alignment problems, …)
  • Graph Drawing (fan-planarity, crossing lemma, …)
  • Proximity Notions (range spaces, Delauney graphs, …)
  • Hypergraphs (planarity, cover decomposition, …)
Partially Ordered Sets
  • Dimension Theory (local dimension, boxicity, …)
  • Representations (inclusion orders, PI-orders, …)
  • Cover Graphs (planarity, book embeddings, …)
  • Lattices (alpha-orientations, chain decompositions, …)
Discrete Geometry
  • Spatial Point Sets (point set embedding, epsilon-nets, …)
  • Pseudodisks (non-crossing connectors, homothets, …)
Combinatorial Game Theory
  • Two-Player Games (pizza games, Tron, …)

Professional Service

last update: September 2024