Unless otherwise noted, the following courses (taught in German) were implemented by the Chair of Algorithmics I, Universität Karlsruhe (TH).
Summer Term of 2009
- Seminar on Theoretical Computer Science at Duale Hochschule (Berufsakademie) Karlsruhe
- Lab course on Introduction to Computer Science 2 at Hochschule Karlsruhe
Winter Term of 2008/09
- Lecture on Statistics at Berufsakademie Karlsruhe
- Lab course on Algorithm Engineering
Summer Term of 2008
- Reading course on The P-vs-NP Conjecture
Winter Term of 2007/08
- Administration of lecture on Theoretic Aspects of Computer Science
Summer Term of 2007
- Lab course on Graph Separation and Clustering
Winter Term of 2006/07
- Lab course on Visualization of Algorithms for Planar Graphs
Summer Term of 2006
- Exercise on Algorithms for Planar Graphs
Summer Term of 2005
- Lab course on Cache-Efficient and Cache-Oblivious Algorithms (jointly with chair of Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders)
Winter Term of 2004/05
- Exercise on Theoretic Aspects of Computer Science
Summer Term of 2004
- Lab Course on Network Visualization
Winter Term of 2003/04
- Exercise on Theoretic Aspects of Computer Science
Winter Term of 1999/2000 to Summer Term of 2003
- Tutorial course on Algorithms and Data Structures (held by Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner) at Universität Konstanz
- Tutorial courses on Statistics for Psychologists (held by Prof. Dr. Jan Beran) at Universität Konstanz