PD Dr. Martin Nöllenburg
KIT Associate Fellow
In September 2015 I joined the Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Wien. This webpage is no longer actively maintained. Please visit my new webpage.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Theoretical Informatics
YIG Algorithms for Geovisualization
Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
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- Habilitation in Computer Science at KIT (09.02.2015)
- Elected member of the steering committee of the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) for the term 2015-2017 (21.11.2014)
- Guest lecture on Automated Layout of schematic metro maps in Forum Geoinformatik, Uni Osnabrück (11.11.2014)
- Winner of the Graph Drawing Contest 2014 (categories Metro Maps and Challenge (automatic))
- Best Poster Award Graph Drawing 2014 for the poster PIGRA - A Tool for Pixelated Graph Repre- sentations by Thomas Bläsius, Fabian Klute, Benjamin Niedermann, Martin Nöllenburg
- Newspaper article (in German) about our research on dynamic map labeling in the Offenburger Tageblatt (29.07.2014)
- Lorentz Center Workshop Geometric Algorithms in the Field (23.–27.06.2014)
- PhD defense of Dr. Andreas Gemsa (17.06.2014)
- Co-organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar 15052 “Empirical Evaluation for Graph Drawing”
- Co-organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar 13151 “Drawing Graphs and Maps with Curves”
- Exhibition Bending Reality: Where Arc and Science Meet
- PC co-chair of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016)
- Program Committee member SKILL 2015
- Program Committee member Graph Visualization in Practice, Melbourne 2014
- Program Committee member IISA 2015 (session on graph and network visualization)
- Program Committee member Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW) 2010
- EuroGIGA Fall School Graph- and Geovisualization, Uni Würzburg, 8. - 12. October 2012
- Invited Speaker at the 8th Dutch Computational Geometry Day
- Lecture Algorithmen zur Visualisierung von Graphen winter term 2014/15
- Lecture Algorithmische Geometrie summer term 2014