Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik

Seminar Algorithmentechnik -- Algorithmic Methods in the Humanities

Sommersemestester 2017


  • 01.03.17 Web page created.
  • 19.06.17 presentation on June 22nd was moved to July 13th. No meeting on June 22.
  • 20.06.17 presentations on 6 and 13 of July are swaped.
  • 04.08.17 deadline for the review and the final document submission are extended to 25th of August and 15th of September, respectively
  • 20.11.17 booklet published

General Information


Digital humanities is an area of research at the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities, e.g., history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, art, archaeology, music, as well as cultural and social sciences. Digital humanities scholars use computational methods to answer existing research questions in humanity sciences or to pioneer new approaches. The goal of the seminar is to go deeper into the algorithms that lie at the core of these computational methods.


The written reports of some of the participants of the seminar have been collected in a booklet.


At the first, preliminary meeting, the topics will be briefly presented and assigned to the participants. Afterwards each participant explores their topic using the given literature as a starting point. After a couple of weeks each participant gives a 5-minute short presentation on their topic. During the semester we will then have the main presentations on separate days. By the end of the semester and after a peer review phase, each participant has to hand in a written report of 12–15 pages in LaTeX. The overall grade depends equally on the main presentation and the written report.

Schedule (subject to small changes)

Datum Thema Material
27.4. Topic Distribution Introduction
18.5. Short presentations
8.6. Presentations
29.6. Presentations
6.7. Presentations
13.7. Presentations
3.8. Submission of the document
25.8. Submission of the reviews
15.9. Submission of the final document


Topic Id Title Advisor Presentation Date
10 Automatic Sentiment Summarization Michael Hamann & Lucas Czech June 8
7 Measuring Coherence of Statements Gregor Betz June 29
2 Stemmatology or “Who Copied from Whom?” Danah Tonne July 6
9 Automated Topic Classification Michael Hamann July 6
1 Storyline Visualizations Tamara Mchedlidze July 13
8 Multi-Party Conversation Gregor Betz & Tamara Mchedlidze July 13


  • Please use LaTeX for composing the written report with this
  • Tips & Tricks for presentations an scientific writing.
  • Information on using ipe for figures und presentations.