Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik

Seminar Algorithmentechnik - Algorithmen für Energienetze

Sommersemester 2013



Date Topic Links
23.04.2013 Introduction slides
21.05.2013 Short Presentations
28.05.2013 Wind Energy 1 & 2
04.06.2013 Optimal Power Flow & Smart Grid Demand Allocation
25.06.2013 Robustness and Vulnerability Analysis 1 & 2


The Algorithmics seminar covers selected recent research results in the area of algorithms for optimizing energy networks. Topics comprise for example transmission expansion planning, power plant planning, robustness of power grids and connecting renewable energy sources.

Each participant familiarizes him/herself independently with his topic (and can discuss questions with the advisor) and then presents the main idea and concept initially in a 5-minute short presentation. During the course of the semester, the main presentations of approximately 45 minutes each follow. Finally, each participant summarizes his/her topic in at most 15 pages and in own words.


In the introduction session a list of candidate seminar topics are briefly presented and distributed among the participants. Two weeks later participants present the main ideas and concepts of their topic in a short 5-minute presentation to the group. During the rest of the semester we will have one or two long presentations each Tuesday (exact schedule to be determined). Until the end of the semester a written summary needs to be prepared in LaTeX that gives a short and precise overview of the topic.

List of Topics

Nr Topic Source
(1&2) Design of Wind Farms BVMR11, HMMCW10, TK11
(4&5) Robustness and Vulnerability Analysis
(6) Optimal Power Flow FSR12a, FSR12b, PJ08
(7) Demand Allocation in Smart Grids ABC+13 (extended abstract)

Topic Distribution

Name Topic Date
Marcel 1 28.05.2013
Christian 2 28.05.2013
Dirk 6 04.06.2013
Richard 7 04.06.2013
Liu 4,5 25.06.2013
Alfred 4,5 25.06.2013