Configuratione with Few Crossings
Crossing-minimum spanning trees
Given a connected graph G with its embedding in the plane, does G contain a crossing-free spanning tree? This problem is known to be NP-complete. We show that the problem of finding a spanning tree with the minimum number of edge crossings is even NP-hard to approximate. We further show that this optimization problem is fixed-parameter tractable. We also give a mixed-integer formulation and a simple, but efficient and effective heuristic that often finds optimal solutions.
Joint work with Andreas Spillner and Christian Knauer.
- Christian Knauer, Étienne Schramm, Andreas Spillner, and Alexander Wolff. Configurations with few crossings in topological graphs. Technical Report 2005-24, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe, September 2005. Available at [ bib | html | pdf ]
- Christian Knauer, Étienne Schramm, Andreas Spillner, and Alexander Wolff. Configurations with few crossings in topological graphs. In Xiaotie Deng and Ding-Zhu Du, editors, Proc. 16th Annu. Internat. Symp. Algorithms Comput. (ISAAC'05), volume 3827 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 604-613. Springer-Verlag, 2005. [ bib | html | pdf | abstract ]
- Christian Knauer, Étienne Schramm, Andreas Spillner, and Alexander Wolff. Spanning trees with few crossings in geometric and topological graphs. In Proc. 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG'05), pages 195-198, Eindhoven, 2005. [ bib | pdf ]