Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik

Visualizations of Algorithms in Computational Geometry

About the Projects

Within the scope of the course Computational Geometry (summer term 2014) the attending students implemented several geometric algorithms and data structures that had been discussed in the lectures. The task was to build user-friendly tools that let the user explore the functionality of selected algorithms and data structures used in computational geometry. In particular the students had to find appropriate and intuitive visualizations. To that end they were free to choose any programming language. The implementations are written in Java, JavaScript and Python.

The projects of the teams are listed below. The links lead to the specific project webpages, for which the respective authors are responsible. Some of them are in English, others are in German. The projects are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty or support.


Partitioning a polygon into monotone pieces. Partitioning a polygon into monotone pieces.
Jonathan Klawitter, Lea Köckert
Triangulating a monotone polygon. Triangulating a monotone polygon.
Christoph Hess
Intersection of half-planes Intersection of half-planes.
Sebastian Lehmann, Nicolas Loza
Incremental linear programming Incremental Linear Programming.
Valentin Buchhold, Yassine Marrakchi
Kd-trees Orthogonal range searching with kd-trees.
Alexander Lange, Matthias Rombach
Ham Sandwich Ham Sandwich Cut
Annette Karrer, Sarah Lutteropp, Fabian Stroh
Visibility Graph Visibility Graph
Harald Herrlich,David Weiß


The projects stand under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.