See: Description
Class | Description |
AddCast | |
ArrayBaseInstanceOf |
Creates an Type::instance(..)
ArrayLength | |
ArrayPostDecl |
Replaces a local variable declaration
#t #v[]; with
#t[] #v; |
BreakToBeReplaced | |
ConstantValue |
Replace a program variable that is a compile-time constant with the
value of the initializer
ConstructorCall |
The constructor call meta construct is used to handle a allocation expression
like new Class(...)
CreateObject |
If an allocation expression new Class(...)
DoBreak |
This class performs a labeled break.
EnhancedForElimination |
This class defines a meta operator to resolve an enhanced for loop - by transformation to a
"normal" loop.
EnumConstantValue |
resolve a program variable to an integer literal.
EvaluateArgs |
ExpandMethodBody |
Replaces the MethodBodyStatement shortcut with the full body, performs prefix
adjustments in the body (execution context).
ExpandQueriesMetaConstruct |
Uses the class
QueryExpand in order to insert query expansions in the term that the
meta construct is applied on. |
ForInitUnfoldTransformer |
Pulls the initializor out of a for-loop.
ForToWhile |
converts a for-loop to a while loop.
ForToWhileTransformation |
This transformation is used to transform a for-loop into a while-loop.
InitArray |
Split an array creation expression with explicit array initializer,
creating a creation expression with dimension expression and a list
of assignments (-> Java language specification, 15.10)
InitArrayCreation |
Split an array creation expression with explicit array initializer, creating
a creation expression with dimension expression and a list of assignments (->
Java language specification, 15.10)
This meta construct delivers the creation expression
IntroAtPreDefsOp | |
IsStatic |
Creates a true or false literal if the given program element is or is not a
static variable reference.
MemberPVToField | |
MethodCall |
Symbolically executes a method invocation
MultipleVarDecl |
Replaces a declaration of multiple variables by two variable declarations
where the first one declares a single variable and the second one the
remaining variables.
PostWork |
creates an assignment instantiationOf(#newObjectsV).
ProgramTransformer |
ProgramTransformers are used to describe schematic transformations
that cannot be expressed by the taclet language itself.
ReplaceWhileLoop |
This visitor is used to identify and replace the while loop
in invariant rule.
SpecialConstructorCall |
The constructor call meta construct is used to handle a allocation expression
like new Class(...)
StaticInitialisation | |
SwitchToIf |
This class is used to perform program transformations needed for the symbolic
execution of a switch-case statement.
TypeOf | |
Unpack | |
UnwindLoop |
This class is used to perform program transformations needed for the symbolic
execution of a loop.
WhileInvariantTransformation |
Walks through a java AST in depth-left-fist-order.
WhileInvariantTransformer | |
WhileLoopTransformation |
Walks through a java AST in depth-left-fist-order.
Last modified: Tue Nov 26 08:54:55 MET 2002