A Tutorial for Designing Flexible Geometric Algorithms

This page contains links to the sorce code and data sets used in the article A Tutorial for Designing Flexible Geometric Algorithms [ps.gz, pdf] by Vikas Kapoor, Dietmar Kühl, and Alexander Wolff (Algorithmica, 33 (1) 2002, pp. 52-70).

The implementation of an algorithm is faced with the issues efficiency, flexibility, and ease-of-use. We suggest a design concept that greatly increases the flexibility of an implementation without sacrificing ease-of-use and efficiency.

In order to show the practical relevance and efficiency of our concept, we compare a generic to a naive implementation of a rectangle-intersection algorithm in terms of runtime. The following interface documentations of our implementations are available.

The source code of our implementations including all example generators and a shell script that automatically repeats our runtime tests is also available. The TC-shell, Latex, and gnuplot must be available to produce the runtime graphs.

We compared our implementations on four sample classes. For each class (except FencyRect), we generated 30 examples of 1000, 2000, ..., 10000 rectangles. These are available in the zip archives below.

Here's the old version of this page.

Alexander Wolff
Last modified: Mon Jun 11 04:53:38 MEST 2001