Line Labeling

The Java applet below allows you to input an x-monotone polygonal chain. It then generates a strip that contains good candidates for labels placement. The strip baseline will be composed of line and circle segments. For more information about line labeling refer to the article A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for High-Quality Line Labeling (Taylor & Francis, 2000) [html, pdf].

To input a polygonal chain use

There are three parameters that you can define using the sliders in the lower part of the applet:

If you have set everything, use the button Compute Strip to get the initial strip. As soon as the initial strip has been computed, there are more buttons available:

After pressing Refine Strip the first time, the button De-Refine Strip brings you back to the previous refinement level.

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Written by Lars Knipping. Ported to Linux using ISO-C++ and addition of proxy support by Johannes Singler.

Last update: Oct 14, 2004 .
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Alexander Wolff