The Map-Labeling Bibliography

This bibliography was started and is currently maintained by Alexander Wolff. Tycho Strijk has been a major contributer. Donors are always welcome. Just send me an e-mail - if possible with a bibtex entry including the abstract of the article. Please try to follow the conventions used by GeomBib, the Geometry Literature Database.

Many recent entries of the bibliography have links to files in (gzipped) postscript (.ps.gz) and portable document format (.pdf) containing the corresponding article - if the author has made this information public. The bibliography is available as follows:

There is a list of other map-labeling sites.

Distribution of publication dates

Distribution of publication dates of the Map-Labeling Bibliography
You can download a short C-shell script for producing such bar charts from bib files here.

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Last update: Jun 10, 2009
Alexander Wolff